Performing Memory: race, gender and diaspora in cultural discourses and practices

Typ: Seminar
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 4

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SS 16 (17 Bewertungen)

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I can only follow the previous comments. laYla Zamis course inspired me in very different ways. For me it opened up new positions and ways of thinking on knowledge, that are usually outside the academic contexts and voices, that aren´t heard. That we included body experiences in the course brought another important dimension to the topics of (embodied)memories, diaspora, performance, gender etc. I really hope there´ll be more courses like this.

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The seminary was very inspiring for me. I loved the texts that we read and the perspectives from which they talked, perspectives that are generally totally underrepresented in academics (and society at large). I got a lot of new impulses and ways of looking at things and found a good space to grow in my own learning process. And I was inspired by the way the body was actively involved in learning by doing different types of exercises to deepen our attentiveness and emotional awareness.

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This was an excellent seminar. The instructor laYla Zami was very knowledgeable and well organized, with excellent grasp of the subject and always able to adapt to the queries of the students, despite the broad difference in their background. Her practical level of experience and her physical as well as emotional engagement with the class really helped focus the discussions. The seminar was very well done, even for the novice in this field like myself, and it gave me a deep and thorough introduction on the topic of memory, gender and performance, definitely exceeding my expectations.

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Tolles Seminar! Wir haben sehr unterschiedliche Texte gelesen, die in ihrer Form und ihrem Inhalt verschieden Diaspora und die Performance von Erinnerung aufgegriffen haben. Besonders schön fand ich viele praktische Verweise und Hinweise auf Künstler*innen, Methoden, Möglichkeiten und dass Menschen zu uns eingeladen wurden und mit uns über ihre Projekte diskutierten! LaYla Zamis ehrlicher Umgang mit uns und ihre Weise, Diskussionen zu lenken und uns persönlich und als unterschiedlich gesellschaftlich positioniert einzubeziehen war ein anderes Highlight für mich! Und wohl am wichtigsten, eines der wenigen Seminare, die den Körper in den Lernprozess einzuschließen versuchen.

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LaYla Zami's course helped me explore issues concerning memory and embodiment through an involved engagement with the contents of the class -texts, performances, films - as well as myself - through movement, body-work and improvisation. The course has given me fresh food for thought thats has already impacted the way I think about my academic topics of interest. LaYla was a great instructor and created a calm and open space that felt like a breath of fresh air amidst the the hermetic structures of regular university life. I enjoyed coming to class and participating, discussing and moving, every week.

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Layla Zami was an exceptional teacher, she encouraged us to step over the boundaries of western academia and always included bodily exercises. It was truly a unique experience.

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laYla made it very easy to merge into the topic. the prepared reader was very diverse concering the authors and perspectives so that the course had the opportunity to talk/think about memory on an interdisciplinary level. As regards to contents it had a comprehensible structure. LaYla offered different perceptions and understandings to how memory can be expressed practically as well. She informed us about upcoming shows related to the central theme, invited artists to perform and have a talk with us etc. I learned a lot about different pratical/artistic ways of how to perform memories as well as about the theoretical context_s and how to combine these two parts to be able to create a critical and artistic intervention. It was a very good course plus I really enjoyed how laYla worked with us and kept the hierarchy level as low as possible. I definitely recommend attending one of her courses.

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Dieses Seminar war eines der besten, an denen ich teilnehmen konnte.
Es gab von Beginn an Partizipationsmöglichkeiten für die Studenten_innen was die Inhalte und Ideen zur Gestaltung des Seminars betrifft. Die Dozentin legte wert auf ein gutes Arbeitsklima und respektvollen Umgang miteinander. Ich habe mich immer gefreut zum Seminar zu gehen und die geschaffene Athmosphäre.
Inhaltlich ging es um körperliches Wissen, gender, Postkoloniale Theorie, Tanz als Widerstandsform und Erinnerungskultur. Sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch. Ich nehme vor allem gute Literatur mit aus dem Seminar und ein bewussteren Umgang und Wissen über "Zeitlichkeit". Außerdem die geringe Wertschätzung an oralem Wissen, was sich im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs in Deutschland ändern sollte.
Ich hoffe, dass Layla Zami bald wieder an der Humboldt Universität lehrt.

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During the course I could extend my knowledge about cultural memory from the perspective of performance studies, which I found as very enriching. She put a lot of emphasis on the fact, that academia is not neccessarily limited to reading and writing texts. Instead, she invited different people to the class (for example from the field of dance) to talk with us, which gave me a lot of inspiration for linking critical thinking, theoretical approaches and practical activism and furthermore to reflect more on the topic of "embodied memory". I enjoyed her way of performing the class as well as the atmosphere within the classroom. She is very inclusive.

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The course helped me a lot to widen my horizont concerning questions of gender, performance, the relation between body and knowledge.
Dipl.-Pol. Zami Zuckerman did a wonderful job, giving us the freedom to explore our questions in a personal way, meanwhile fueling our thirst to find out more by selecting a bunch of very inspiring scientific articles, prose/poetry, by organizing an event (lecture/performance)and by inspiring us to collect our thoughts on a blog to make them visible also for a broader circle.

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I experienced laYla Zami's course as a space of common learning, sharing and discussing in an atmosphere of frankness, mutual respect and - for me personally - growth. the approach of linking memory studies, performance studies and perspectives on race, gender and diaspora seemed to me a perfect fit. The design and chosen texts allowed for a seminar with a particular set of interesting and relevant questions and strands of discussion, which otherwise - it seems to me - is hard to find elsewhere in academia in Germany. laYla as instructor created a framework for enriching conversations, taking wisely into account that participants brought in different disciplinary backgrounds as well as varying "levels" of prior knowledge / awareness towards different topics, structures etc. e.g. intersecting forms of social inequality (i am pointing here to myself as being fairly new to these fields). i am also particularly thankful for laYla’s precise, constructive and encouraging feedback.

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The framing that laYla Zami was creating allowed me to have some deeper reflexion on how power structures form bodies and the perception of the world. I apprechiated a lot the efford that Zami put into the methods of teaching. So we had exercised with bodywork, to not only speak of the critic of the body/mind-split, but to encouter this tendance with actual body work, organising a performance und a lecture, also taking in account feelings in the classroom, giving hints to interesting performances going on in the city that concerned our seminar topic. Zami was eager to give every student the opportunity to participate with whatever medium they'd like to. As we created a blog together little by little, now there is also somethink that will rest. Also an important factor to me personally was the opportunity to have an exchange on important topics as discriminaatory structures once a week with people I do apprechiate a lot but wouldn't have met so intesively without this seminar. so thank you.

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Das Seminar Performing Memory hat mich nicht nur in meiner kreativen, intersektionalen Auseinandersetzung mit Erinnerung und Trauma inspiriert, es war auch ein persönlicher Heilungsprozess, dass ich in diesen akademisierten Räumen so noch nie erfahren habe.

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I enjoyed laYla’s course very much! The topic was very interesting for me and the readings about „post memory“ were enriching. We gained an inside into performing studies, which opened up a whole new field for me!
I also enjoyed some of the exercises which we did outside in the sun. It not just showed me, what academia can be aside from text work, but also gave us the opportunity to get to know each other from a different perspective.
Therefore, I was also very happy to get information about ongoing events (performances, talks, exhibitions etc.), which we attended together regularly.
I got a detailed feedback from laYla for my contribution to the course’s blog. That was very helpful for me!
In total, I would have liked to continue with the course after this semester and to deepen the subject matter.

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The course gave me the opportunity to think and re-think about the concept of archives and media of knowledge - how knowledge is mediated. It also made me think about my own performance and put it in a context that probably was there all along but I hadn't conceptualised it quite like that.

The way the course was taught was for me liberating and made me wish there were more courses like this, where form and content are treated and taught in an alternative way, bringing learning to a different level.

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Really enjoyed laYla's variety of teaching methods- she was able to engage the class both intellectually and physically, while also keeping the material accessible. As a newcomer to the subject, I felt very supported in understanding the material and appreciate the numerous forms of texts used throughout the semester. Would definitely recommend.

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WS 15/16 (1 Bewertungen)

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In the class I remembered the corporeality of memory. I realized how power relations, forgetting and trauma are inscribed in bodies and how memory, remembrance and historical connections can be activated through body work.

I found Layla Zami's class particularly enriching for it enabled to try out and acknowledge different points of entry to memory and emotions, thus leading to positioned exchange between the students, in ways that I rarely experience in academic spaces.

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