Major Problems in American Literary and Cultural History

Typ: Seminar
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 4

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

This class is an advanced survey course on major problems of American Literary and Cultural History. In the form of lectures (over roughly 50-60 min), some collaborative interpretations, and workshops we will review recent descriptions and current research questions for some of the main literary and cultural periods in American history: Re-Discovery: 1492 (Old and New Inhabitants); City upon a Hill (The Puritan Experiment); Reason and Revolutions (The Age of Reasons and American Revolutions between Philadelphia and Seneca Falls); In and beneath the American Renaissance (a canon for 1850 and its multicultural and multi-gendered basis); Post-bellum Realisms and Naturalisms; Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance; Postmodernism and the old/new Diversity.