Organisationsformen des Tierreichs

Typ: Vorlesung
SWS: 4
Credit Points: k.A.

Diskussionsforum (3 Abonnenten)

Just the juice: (0 Antwort)

Geschrieben von jayabalan.joseph forum

About Prof. Meyer: He is good at possing as a King; but after working with him, I find him just as a ‘Clown with a crown’…

About his lab: I had meet many smart heads in his lab… But six months in to his lab, I learnt my lesson: ‘A group of donkeys led by a lion can defeat a group of lions led by a donkey’. Later I moved to Munich, worked for a lion, completed my Ph.D, published three books.

My take home message: The only way you can judge a tree is by its fruit, a bad tree never bears a good fruit…!

Doctoral student (0 Antwort)

Geschrieben von jayabalan.joseph forum

I had worked for Prof. Axel meyer as a PhD student
He hired me as a PhD student, made me sign in an empty contract form, forced me to design a database called Wanda and fired me once the job was done. I was from India and pretty young at that time and did not know what to do by then. But I later learnt that Axel Meyer has been regularly hiring foreign students and firing them once he had enough data out of them. This went to such an extent that; in 2003 about 18 of his former international students filled a case against him in the university and the case was even flashed in Nature and science.

Due to the above misconduct cases in Nature and science Axel Meyer rightly earns the title of"Prof. ASShole Meyer."

Dr. Jayabalan Joseph Ph.D

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