Corporate Finance

Typ: Vorlesung
SWS: 2
Credit Points: k.A.

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

Master Finance Course, 1st Semester.
- Focus on the liability side of the balance sheet with optimization of the refinancing structure.
- As part of asset/liability management inclusion of the asset structure of a balance sheet, preparation of analysis regarding maturities and interest rates as well as opportunities for active control of the net-gap analysis.
- Statement and explanation of all refinancing instruments with determination of the relative refinancing costs including mezzanine financing.
- Comparison of equity and dept in terms of control and co-determination rights and the cost structures.
- Implementation of debt analysis with determination of an optimal level of debt.
- Explanation of different instruments regards equity and debt financing.
- Determining weighted average cost capital demonstrated by some cases.
- Provision of appropriate asset allocations as counterpart for book reserve arrangements in the balance.
- Focus on the risk factors of a company resulting from the refinancing instruments and the balance sheet structure.
- Presentation of different metrices including determination of the risk profile and the financial solvency of a company.
- Preparation of reports to optimize a balance sheet structure with the identification of optimization potentials, particularly focusing on the refinancing issues.
- Mediation of the ability of students to a multi-dimensional thinking and acting.

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