Option Pricing Theory

Typ: Vorlesung
SWS: 2
Credit Points: k.A.

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

Master Finance Course, 1st Semester.
- The basic techniques for the assessment of derivative financial instruments are provided.
- The main price determining factors are explained using simple assumptions.
- Presentation and derivation of the binomial model .
- Introduction to the Black Scholes model and the application of this model.
- Analysis of the Black Scholes model by sensitivity analysis.
- Introduction to risk management methods through the use of derivative positions.
- Introductory explanation of the theory of real options.

Top-Dozenten ISM Berlin
Kriterium: Spaß

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Top-Kurse ISM Berlin
Kriterium: Spaß

Keine Kurse mit mehr als 15 Bewertungen gefunden.