Investment & Financing

Typ: Vorlesung
SWS: 2
Credit Points: k.A.

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

Master Finance Course, 1st Semester.
- Capital and financial accounts.
- Structure and construction of complete financial planning models as decision support.
- Full financial planning models, taking taxes into account
- Optimization of the useful life of capital goods with the help of complete financial planning.
- Integrated business planning: Integrating the balance sheet, income statement and financial planning.
- Explanation and applying investment optimization models.

Top-Dozenten ISM Berlin
Kriterium: Material

Keine Dozenten mit mehr als 15 Bewertungen gefunden.

Top-Kurse ISM Berlin
Kriterium: Material

Keine Kurse mit mehr als 15 Bewertungen gefunden.