Asset Management

Typ: Vorlesung
SWS: 2
Credit Points: k.A.

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

Master Finance Course, 1st Semester.
- Classification of asset management as an essential part of financial management.
- Identification of the chance/ risk dimension of the individual asset classes.
- Communication of risk-reducing effects in combination of assets with low correlations.
- Development of a systematic asset allocation process, taking into account the Markowitz theory, and the inclusion of other relevant indicators and analysis.
- Demonstration of practical allocation-examples with an improved chance/ risk ratio due to diversification and inclusion of assets with low correlations.
- Mediation of the essential analysis tools in the field of bond and stock management.
- Identification of the different investment styles, as well as alternative investments as further risk reducing approaches.
- Explanation of performance measurements, performance attribution and yield distributions.
- Presentation of different risk reduction parameters.

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