Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies

Typ: Seminar
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 3

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

This course is designed to introduce first semester students to the basics of literary and cultural studies and analysis, including research skills and reading strategies, as well as academic writing skills. Students will perform a variety of assignments and engage with a broad spectrum of texts in order to comprehend what it means to “do” literary and cultural studies. The pass/fail semester grade is based on your participation, your attendance of a tutorial as well as various writing projects.

Our specific aims include:
- to gather a portable toolbox of ideas that we can bring to texts (literary, filmic, televisual, etc.)
- to identify how formal qualities influence our understanding and interpretation of texts
- to utilize the library system and its online resources/databases
- to continually engage with the writing and researching process, and to master the basic framework that goes into the structure of a formal academic paper (incl. citations and bibliographic referencing according to the MLA Handbook guidelines)

Limited enrollment: 35. Please register via Stud-IP for ONE of the offered Study Skills courses only. You need to be present in the first session in order to secure your participation.

Mandatory one-hour tutorials will accompany the course to acquaint students with research methods, reading strategies, and all the formal requirements concerning term papers. The tutorial for this course will start in the SECOND week of the semester.

A reader with course materials will be made available online on Stud-IP at the beginning of the semester. Additional material will be distributed in class and/ or made available online. Check Stud-IP for updates, announcements, and changes!

Prerequisites: regular attendance, active participation, periodic homework, written assignments, attendance of a tutorial. The Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies is mandatory for ALL students. Come prepared, alert, and ready for conversation.