Imagining the Irish

Typ: Seminar
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 7

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

How are the Irish seen or 'imagined' by non-Irish authors and cultural commentators? (Re)presentations and evaluations of Irish life and culture from the outside and possible consequences for longstanding and often misleading or stereotypical notions of Irishness on the one hand as well as implications for issues of cultural identity for the Irish themselves stand at the centre of this seminar. We will study a variety of texts by authors from the UK and Germany, among them: William Makepeace Thackeray, The Irish Sketch Book, 1842; Heinrich Böll, Irisches Tagebuch/Irish Diary, 1957 and texts from "cultural hybrids" such as Hugo Hamilton (Die redselige Insel/The Island of Talking, 2007). Additional material, such as short stories, songs, documentary films, will complement our source material.
Students interested in taking this course should start familiarising themselves with the above mentioned texts during the semester break. Other relevant materials will be introduced in the first session of the seminar.
Regular and active participation, Expert Session (together for 2 CP) or additionally (depending on your requirements):take-away exam (5 CP) OR 10-15 page term paper (7 CP).