The Political History of European Integration from 1945 until Today (Kyiv Mohyla Academy, 21.2.-13.4.10)

Typ: Seminar
SWS: 4
Credit Points: 3

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WS 09/10 (1 Bewertungen)

Empfehlung: Nein
Note/Aufwand: Keine Angabe
Overall, the course is not useless. The main complain about the course is the teaching style - though the presentation materials have been interesting, the teacher was mostly reading from the slides. It made me loose attaintion very quickly.

I think there was also a bit of misunderstanding of the students' knowledge level. As it was Master Programm, I think the course should be targeted at young political scientists, not the beginners. Though PS is new for some students, the majority has solid background.

I also felt the lack of discussions, most of the time was taken by students' and teacher's presentations.

Despite of that, I would register for other courses of the teacher.

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