Prof. Dr. Michael Porsche
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Prof. Dr.
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
TU Braunschweig
Lehrveranstaltungen von Prof. Dr. Michael Porsche
Veranstaltung | Umfang | Beschreibung | Bewertungen |
19th Century American Women Writers Seminar |
3 SWS | - | 1 |
Contemporary USA: An Introduction To American Culture Seminar |
2 SWS | - | 3 |
Generation X Seminar |
2 SWS | - | 6 |
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies I Seminar |
2 SWS | - | 3 |
Literary London Seminar |
2 SWS | - | 2 |
Literary London - die Exkursion Integrierte Veranstaltung |
2 SWS | - | 2 |
Thomas Hardy and the Victorian Age Seminar |
2 SWS | - | 3 |