Introduction to the Methodology of Social Scientific Analysis (Kyiv Mohyla Academy, 01.09.07-31.12.07)

Typ: Seminar
SWS: 2
Credit Points: k.A.

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

This English-language post-graduate seminar for the MA in German and European Studies, in the first trimester of the 2007-2008 study year, consisted of 10 two-hour sessions. The reading load was around 20-40 pages in English per week. Students were asked to write essays in English language and prepare German vocabulary lists, at home, and to make one or more short oral presentations. The course was based on the texts: Anthony Daley, “On Reading: Strategies of Students,” PS: Political Science & Politics, vol. 28, no. 1 (March 1995), pp. 89-100, Charles C. Ragin, Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method (Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press 1994), and: Morris Zelditch, Jr., “Intelligible Comparisons,” in: Ivan Vallier, ed., Comparative Methods in Sociology: Essays on Trends and Applications (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 1971), pp. 267-307.

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Kriterium: Unterstützung

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