Management und Leadership

Typ: Vorlesung + Übung/Tutorium
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 2

Diskussionsforum (5 Abonnenten)

Advanced Leadership for High Potentials in Engineering (0 Antwort)

Geschrieben von Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kohler forum

30.07.2013, 17.00-18.30 hours
Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences – Summer School 2013

Effective leadership is one of the most important qualities of a successful manager within a team embedded in a company. But what is behind of this kind of leadership? Mr. Kohler wants to show you some ideas and topics about to set up and lead a team in a steady, globally changing, environment in his presentation.
Mr. Kohler’s clustered leadership in roles, skills and characteristics in the frame of leader´s knowledge, experience and attitude. The roles are divided into initiator, mentor and personal developer. The skills are; challenging with managing multi cultural teams, time management for a good leadership, deal with change management as soon as people´s motivation. The characteristics pointing on feeling about psychological stresses and strains, empathy, employee based communication and situational leadership.
Some dedicated leadership group trainings will conclude and strengthen the 90 minutes advanced leadership presentation for high potentials.

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